Sugar Flush Pro

We’ve Been Eating The LEAST Sugar IN Centuries…

Yet, Metabolic Diseases & Obesity Rates Are Still Rising?

There’s a silent medical epidemic on the rise…

And it might explain the uncontrollable weight gain that every day Americans are facing – stealing your right to a free, happy, and vigorous body.

In just a moment I’ll show you a few signs that might tell you that you’re experiencing this right now in your body...

Because over 96 Million People in America ALONE are experiencing this and have no clue of its effects on your waistline– weight gain– and even your energy levels too.

Before I introduce myself,

I need to tell you some alarming facts that I've found in my journey to discover the truth about this silent epidemic.

And if you take away anything from this presentation – just remember these facts – because what I’m about to share with you, could very well be taken down at any time.

The Nutrition and Health Science Program tells us that sugar consumption is FALLING throughout America…

And in roughly 20 years…
The prevalence of obesity has increased by over 40% and severe obesity has almost doubled according to Larry Tuckery, A Professor of Exercise Science in Brigham University.

And the only reason why this is happening is because of…

The silent medical epidemic that’s affecting almost one in every 3 American Citizens.

And it’s my god given duty – to show you the truth about your waistline… and the truth about your metabolism.

You see,

Weight gain isn’t linked to how much sugar you eat.

Or the type of foods that you enjoy.

Because there’s a silent epidemic, that’s causing you to experience weight gain…

Why does it seem that no matter how hard you try…

  • To count your calories…

  • To use restrictive diets…

  • To do everything in your power to keep those stubborn pounds off…

That fat only seems to accumulate around your waist?

Doesn’t it seem that there’s something keeping you here – where you don’t want to be?

Look, the truth of the matter…

Is that there’s an untold silent epidemic that’s sweeping across America…

One that’s costing lives… even almost costing me my life.

And it’s a ticking metabolic time bomb that’s waiting to go off at any time– threatening blow up, and put uncontrollable inches on your waistline…

No matter how hard you try to fight against it.

Weight gain isn’t caused by sugar – or eating ‘more’...

This is why 20 year olds can eat whatever they want, without ever having to worry about putting on a single pound of fat.

And this is also why you see some 40-50 year olds

Who seem to eat whatever they want… whenever they want… without experiencing any weight gain at all.

They have the energy to exercise – to travel the world, and to enjoy their life without any health issues.

They don’t feel breathless with every step that they take…

And they’re able to enjoy their retirement, without any health complications throwing a wrench in the works.

This metabolic time bomb… is like a ‘virus’. That causes fat to pile on no matter how hard you try to keep it off.

Once it’s gotten you… it can only go downhill from there… until you realize the truth behind your metabolism.

Your appetite is going to be ravenous…

You’ll feel tired and lethargic…

And in just a moment, I’ll show you the signs that you might be affected by this…

Because remember, more than a quarter of all Americans are suffering from this – without even knowing.

But once you realize the cure to this ‘metabolic’ epidemic…

You’ll regain the metabolism and fat burning power of an 18 year old fresh out of high school… with a secret okinawan longevity ritual that remedies this metabolic virus.

Turning everything that you eat – into pure, rocket fuel and energy that you can use to power through every part of your day.

It’s not your fault that you haven’t realized what this metabolic epidemic actually is…

Because there’s a reason why Big Pharma is hiding it from you.

The reason why your metabolism slows down to a turtle crawl…

Isn’t because of aging… growing old, or losing that 20 year old ‘metabolic fire’ that torches fat off your waist like melted butter.

You’re designed to ‘not know’ about this… Because it’s worth 28.84 Billion Dollars to Big Pharma.

Eastern countries, like Japan, Thailand, even Vietnam… will almost NEVER have this issue – while every day Americans like you and I are paying the price for this epidemic.

They are intentionally making you ill – stopping you from seeing the REAL reason why you’re gaining weight…

Because it’s just that profitable to keep you as a paying customer for life

In just a moment…

I’m about to reveal the single Okinawan longevity ‘ritual’ that will send their profitable ‘cartel’ tumbling down… allowing you to re-ignite your metabolism and end a life of struggle with weight gain.

My name is Amy Walter,

and I’m an ordinary girl that struggled with her weight without knowing what was going on.

I’ve been working as an accountant for the past 35 years, knowing nothing about how deep the corruption went.

But what led me to discover this dark and profitable metabolic ‘racket’...

Was bearing the consequences of their spoon fed lies about weight gain… leading me to suffer at the hands of Big Pharma.

I believe that it was by the grace of god – that my family and I were able to survive this ordeal, and to pass this knowledge on to you…

Because I believe that it’s every American’s right to know the truth –

And the reality of their weight… so that they can take full control over their health, and to live happy, free, and independent lives.

I’ve been very blessed to discover the truth…

And today, I will share it with you.

This trial that God had put me through… led me allowed me to become stronger – and less ignorant about the condition of our metabolism.

This journey led me to discover the secret to restoring your metabolism…

Allowing any American to reclaim their freedom to be free from the corruption of Big Pharma.

Free from the lies that we’ve been fed for YEARS…

Free to live life on your terms… where you’re able to spend the rest of your life, being present with your children, and your grandchildren… able to spend the precious golden moments with them…

Without having to be chained down by a body that works against you…

Without having to be treated as walking ‘dollar bills’ by big pharma…

And without having to pay for expensive healthcare that only serves to ruin the precious nest egg that we’ve been building up for our retirement.

You see, as an Accountant… I was always taught to ‘follow the money’... and this led me to realize that..

Once you’re caught in this ‘metabolic epidemic’...

Your life could easily be worth up to $680,000 to Big Pharma.

Even though I’m about to reveal to you 3 independent researchers from the east, including Japan, India, and the Middle East…

That have found the secret elixir to stop this metabolic epidemic dead in its tracks.

It's beyond comprehension how something like this can happen in the so-called richest country in the world.

But once you look at the balance sheet — it never lies.

And every year…
that $680,000 price tag only goes up.

And they’ve even banded together to keep raising prices together – so that even the most desperate patients who need it most – will have to put through their nose just to stay alive.

That’s why they’re trying so hard to keep it hush hush.

Once you realize the truth…

And once you realize that there’s an all natural solution to this silent epidemic…

You’ll come to see that their entire blood money empire falls apart and crumbles into pieces.

In 2001 alone,

Purdue spent over 200 Million dollars to keep people hooked on oxycontin, this included doctors who didn’t were none the wiser… hospitals that were fed their lies…

All so that they can keep this machine running, and well oiled.

That’s why it’s so important that you watch this presentation now, before it gets taken down.

The reason why I’m sharing this with you– was because my family was the first to pay the price

I would never wish for anyone to go through what I did… feeling like my body was working against me, that I was gaining weight – even though it wasn’t my fault.

My deadly encounter with this silent epidemic began, when I started feeling tired.

You see, I didn’t change a thing about my lifestyle.

I was active… and I’d often go out on hikes with my family. My husband and our 2 loving daughters.

Once every two weeks, we would head down to the mountainous range, where we would enjoy the fresh air and gorgeous views.

And it was just a couple of hours outside of town and the ‘secret spot’ that we would bring our family to for short ‘getaways’.

But once this silent epidemic caught me…

I began feeling tired all the time. I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep… I would toss and turn in the middle of the night… and I started drinking two to three cups of coffee every single day, just so that I could stay awake at my job as an accountant.

Sometimes, I would even stare at the screen as if I was the ‘walking dead’... and looking at the financial reports that I had to go through…

I often fell asleep at my desk – thinking that it was my ‘sleep debt’ was catching up to me.

But it only went downhill from there…

I stopped having the energy to spend time with my family, and decided to ‘sit out’ of our getaways…

Staying at home just to ‘catch up’ on a sleep debt.

And as it got worse – as I started to feel tired…

I found myself gaining weight…

It seemed as if my metabolism had slowed down to a turtle crawl… sapping me of the energy to go out and be more active…

And every thing that I ate – turned into stubborn belly fat that glued to my waist.

My jeans started getting tighter… and I had to wear ‘baggier’ clothes– just to fit into them comfortably without them rubbing painfully against my skin.

I no longer felt that I had the ‘confidence’ that I once had when I was 20, young… attractive and youthful…

And while I tried taking more ‘morning walks’ to lose these stubborn pounds wrapped around my waist… I could barely muster the strength to complete them,

It felt as though I was fighting an uphill battle, with my body working against me.

Just in 2 months… I’d gained over 27 pounds… and I’d lost the motivation to even ‘try’ to do better.

And one of those nights after pushing myself to go for a run… I came back drenched in sweat.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I saw how the belly fat around my waist was ‘bursting’ out of my shirt… and I couldn’t help but point out all the flaws I had.

I couldn’t even bring myself to look at the weighing scale.

My favorite dresses were all locked away tightly in the back of my closet – folded neatly behind the sweats and joggers that I’d started wearing.

And I decided that I was going to do something so that I could fit back into those dresses…

I started going online…
trying out every program that was offered…

  • Whether it was the paleo diet…
  • Hypnotherapy…
  • P90x and ‘high intensity interval training’
  • Low carb, high fat diets…
  • Intermittent Fasting…

Even eating one meal a day…

But all of these techniques were so ‘restrictive’ that my appetite only started to grow…

I was Eating MORE, and I was MORE tired.

I felt miserable. I couldn’t eat what I wanted…

And because of those restrictive diets…

I started binging on the foods that made me feel a little better.

At this point, I’d even considered doing invasive stomach surgeries to ‘shrink’ the size of my stomach so that I wouldn't be able to eat as much.

I told my husband Jake about how I felt… and he didn’t know how to support me either.

I felt like I was all alone in this journey – with no one that I could talk to, or relate to, to support me towards my healthy weight loss goals.

My joints started to hurt, and climbing the stairs started to become a big struggle for me.

I wished that I could’ve found a way to suppress my appetite– and to have my body finally working the way I wanted to.

Everywhere I went… I was carrying stones of heavy fat on my back.

When I was getting groceries for the kids… I would get looks from strangers, and sniggers from teenagers who pointed their fingers at me…

“What a fatty!”

They whispered to themselves.

Jake, had overheard what they said…

And suggested that we went on a short ‘getaway’ across the state… where it was just the two of us.

It was a way where we could reconnect the flame that we had between the both of us…

Maybe it would help to spark some intimacy in the relationship – and I’d thought that it would be a good pick me up to bring me closer to my family too.

I agreed. Thought that I’d need a change of scenery too.

A break from the judgment of others.

But this trip… only led to a series of even more humiliating moments…

As we boarded the plane…

I walked towards our row seats… and my husband took the corner seat next to the window…

I tried to sit down in the middle seat… but I’d to lift the armrest so that I could fit in… so I didn’t bother putting it back down.

Then, a skinny young man comes down to the seat on my right… pauses, and looks at the aisle seat next to me.

He sits down. And I could feel that I was overflowing into the seat next to me…

At that moment, I wished that I could’ve sucked it back in…

Curl up into a ball, and die of shame and embarrassment.

I wanted to hide my face…

What made it worse – was that he started ordering drink after drink during the flight across the state… just so that he could get by.

I could see the look of horror and disgust on his face when he glanced over.

He even asked for support from the stewardess… hoping that he could get a change of seats, even though it was a fully booked flight.

For two hours– I was made painfully aware of how others saw me–

While the stewardess tried her best to help him understand that they couldn’t do anything about the situation.

Halfway through the flight… I’d swapped seats with my husband. I awkwardly shifted from the middle seat to the window seat…

Barely making it through.

And this was just the beginning…

When I’d reached the theme park that we planned to go to…

My husband and I saw these amazing and exciting rides.

It was one of those that had the highs and lows – and I could hear how much fun the riders were having.

I told my husband that we should go for it together….

And we queued up till it was finally our turn+.

I stepped up into the harness – ready to go for this ride with my husband next to me.

But the attendant tried to close it once. It was one of those harnesses that closed from the top. Then he tried again. I couldn’t fit – and the attendant did his best to ‘squeeze’ me back into the harness…

We sat there for a good 15-minutes… as the queue of a hundred or so people in the line watched him fumble back and forth – even calling his manager to ask for support.

I sat there – hoping, praying that I would finally fit. I tried to adjust myself, to do my best to squeeze as best as I could into that harness… and at this point, we were holding up the next ride in the line.

I looked around me, and I felt like the elephant in the room.

People were furious in the queue. And some of them even laughed – sneering at me, making fun of me with their fingers pointed…

Looking at me, as if I was some ‘freak of nature’ that wasn’t able to take care of herself.

Soon the manager walked over – and told me that I had to go. There was no way I could take this ride. It was a safety hazard.

I stood up, ran to the bathroom crying – remembering all those faces that looked at me with absolute disgust as if I was some circus animal.

My trip was completely ruined.

When I got back home… and went for a short shower…

I couldn’t even bear to look at myself in the mirror.

All I could hear were the whispers of those who were looking at me… skinny man on the flight who was absolutely disgusted with what he had to put up with for the first hour of the flight…

The teenagers who were whispering– talking to themselves at the grocery store…

And the full blown public humiliation that I had to endure on stage at the amusement park – where I was the laughing stock who couldn’t fit into the rollercoaster ride, holding up hundreds of people in the queue – with all of their eyes glued at me looking at how I was just another ‘fatty’ holding up the queue and wasting their time

At this point – I felt like I was a complete waste of space, and that I didn’t deserve to live.

I fell asleep that night crying… hoping that I could’ve just ‘slept it off’...

And when I woke up – I realized that there were ‘holes’ in my vision.

Big ‘black’ holes.

There were ‘blurry patches’...

I tried washing my eyes – taking a few eye drops to clear it out– and I’d probably woken up on the wrong side of the bed…

I took the day off – and visited the optometrist to take a couple of tests.

My vision had been fine. I’d had 20/20 eye sight, but I had this weird feeling that something was very wrong with my body.

This was when the optometrist looked up at me with concern – and told me…

We need to get you to the hospital NOW.
Your vision is worsening because of diabetic retinopathy.

My heart sank.

“Diabetes… Me? What… Why?”

I was in denial of what had happened to me…

And that’s when it ‘clicked’ in my head. I had been suffering from pre-diabetes for the longest time… without knowing what was wrong… and this was what was causing my weight gain.

My husband drove me to the local accident and emergency center – and soon I was hooked up on IV drips, with doctors and nurses attending to me.

My kidneys were on the verge of failure… amputation was a reality that I had to deal with… and I’d have to start dialysis treatment– and spend the life ‘hooked up’ to a machine that would clean my blood if I couldn’t do something now.

And in my panic… I started to feel light headed… and soon I fell into a diabetic coma.

I was out for 5 days straight.

When I woke up…

They told me that my blood sugar was 270 mg/dL… at dangerously high levels…

I was given a shot of insulin…

Leaving with a handful of prescriptions, medications and a scheduled doctor’s visit in 3 months from now…

It cost us a good chunk of our life savings… which meant that my family had to pay for the treatment completely out of pocket.

I felt like a burden to my family at this point… I was unable to take care of myself, I had to depend on my husband to support my bills as I got better.

I had to take days off from work – just to get better…

And when my daughters came to visit me… I could see how concerned they were. They were on the brink of tears. Knowing that I was going to be ‘stuck’ as a diabetic for the rest of my life – chained to a life of constant expensive treatments that would erode their college funds too.

I didn’t realize what was happening with my weight gain… when I was starting to feel ‘tired’ all the time… when I was unexplainably putting on weight… when I started to stop ‘feeling myself’...

I didn’t know that I should’ve looked closer – realizing that I was pre-diabetic… and that I had to do something before it got worse.

I felt that I’d failed my family, my husband, and my children in a single week.

How could I be a good mother to my children?

“Look at me. I’m as good as crippled now.”

I thought to myself.

I could barely walk too. I was a complete mess, and my health had been wasted… with no chance of ever being happy, healthy, young and free again.

This was when I knelt down beside…

With my arms placed firmly together – praying to god or anyone who would save my family and I.

That’s when a voice answered… and told me… “You have a skill… seek and you shall find”

I have a ‘skill’?

What skill? I was completely useless. What good could I do?

And that’s when the sadness inside me… turned into rage.

Why wasn’t I told about this earlier?
Why didn’t I know that this was happening to me…
Why did my family have to pay the price?
Why was the treatment so expensive?

I mustered the strength and courage to do some digging – to find some answers about my condition…

This was when I remembered that I was an accountant…

And what he meant by ‘seek and you shall find’... was to follow the money.

And even though I barely had the strength to get out of bed… I went to the office to pull out a couple of documents and tools to help me do some digging on this.

The first thing that I found was that…

The patent for insulin was given away for just $1…
By Sir Frederick G Banting…

And the cost to produce a bottle of insulin at the factories… was a $0.50 .

Fifty cents! Why was I being charged $360.25 for a vial?

The next fact that I’d discovered…

Was that the prices of insulin have been rising over 6 times over the past 20 years!

I looked at the prices of insulin from different companies… and saw that the prices of insulin were all going up together as if they’d been working together in a cartel.

And the next question that I had was…

Why didn’t I know about pre-diabetes? Why wasn’t I told?

I had to find a way to break free from this condition… to finally be free…

I needed something that would give me the fountain of youth… to restore my natural metabolism… to normalize my blood sugar… and send my type 2 diabetes into remission.

I started sending out emails – to anyone who would respond…

A couple days later… an investigative journalist… an ‘insider’... reached back to me.

I can’t name him here – because he’ll lose his job for the rest of his life… you know the lengths that these corporations are willing to go to.

And in our email exchange… I realized that I wasn’t the only ‘crazy one’.

That’s when he told me that this wasn’t the first time that Big Pharma did this.

Purdue spent over 200 million to cover up the addictive side effects of oxycontin… a ‘timed released’ opioid– that was chemically similar to morphine… so that they could sell it to the mass market.

With a recent spike of over 50,000 opioid related deaths in America alone in 2019…

That’s when he told me that I only needed to look ‘further’ across the horizon… and look at the Okinawans.

To get the answers that I was searching for.

And in our short email exchange– he connected me with 2 paper trails…

First he showed me a study… called:

“Longevity and Diet in Okinawa,
Japan: The Past, Present and Future”

And I looked at where the world’s oldest, and healthiest people had lived…

It was Okinawa, the home of the centurions…

Where they had the most people on the planet, living past a 100… with obesity so low – rates absolutely unheard of in the United States…

They were free from almost all metabolic diseases…

Heart attacks, Diabetes, Obesity… cancer even…

Most of the locals didn’t even KNOW what these conditions were – simply because it was so rare in Okinawa.

The funny thing was… that they were even eating more MEAT ... than what we were conventionally told to in the states… often turning that ‘food pyramid ’ on its head…

And what these Japanese Scientists focused on…
was on the bizarre fact of why they
never struggled with any metabolic issues…
Even though locals seemed to eat whatever they wished…

That’s when he connected me with Dr. Tsuda work…

Who was one of the leading endocrinology researchers in Japan who was pulled in to discover why this was the case.

I was desperate to know what he had found…

And by god's grace… Dr. Tsuda agreed to hop on a short call with me, taking time away from his breakthrough work… to tell me what he had found in Okinawa.

There was evidence in the diabetic literature that said…

The truth about weight gain is that it’s caused by diabetes… or pre-diabetes… or what we would know as high blood sugar.

And one of the leading reasons for weight gain…

Wasn’t because of a person’s diet – or what they ate – instead it was how fast their body was able to turn what they ate – into fuel and energy the body could use immediately…

And he realized that weight gain had started to occur, most frequently in undiagnosed pre-diabetics that didn’t realize that they had a metabolism issue…

Where glucose in the bloodstream was turning into fat, instead of energy.

They had such high blood sugar – that all of the blood in the sugar – was turning into fat…

And the more insulin shots they took – the more of this blood sugar – would be turned into fat, in the process known as lipogenesis.

This meant that more ‘insulin’ wasn’t the answer, and the real answer was controlling the levels of glucose that was entering the bloodstream…

So that the body didn’t have to work as hard to turn sugar in the bloodstream from our food – into fat…

And instead – tap on the body’s natural fat reserves for energy, allowing you to turn every pound of fat into high octane jet fuel that you can use every day.

It simply forces your body to draw more of its energy from fat… causing your body’s fat cell simply releases triaglycerol into the bloodstream as free fatty acids, and being transported through blood to the tissues where the energy is needed…

Allowing you to allow the rest of the calories to pass through your digestive system… and to ‘poop out’ these calories.

He theorized that the most important thing to manage – wasn’t the levels of insulin in the body, but instead – how much glucose was entering their bloodstream.

And he wanted to confirm his theory – by looking at the Okinawan People’s blood sugar after eating.

This was when he traveled to Okinawa to see the truth for himself.

It was about a 3 hour flight from where he was based…

And as he trekked up to the remote village that housed the most centurions (people who lived beyond a hundred years).

He saw how happy they were – how there were smiles across all of their faces… how they were moving about in their obscure rituals, where it would be a normal scene to see great grandparents, who were reaching 80, even 90…

To be carrying their great grandchildren on their backs…

Often playing Oni Gokko with them, which is the japanese version of hide and seek with some variations to the game.

He was astounded by how healthy, happy, and active the Japanese elderly were… even ‘bursting’ with energy– waking up at the break of dawn… and falling asleep when the sun set.

The funny thing – was that they were eating processed Japanese rice… which is a rich source of carbohydrates… typically ‘demonized’ by the west as being too ‘high’ in glucose.

He studied how frequently they were eating their meals… what they were eating… and what he discovered was that they had a bizarre ritual which was prepared just before their meals.

Not taking much notice of it at first… he measured the blood glucose levels of these Okinawans before their meals…

And what he discovered was that their blood sugar didn’t spike significantly , even after a heavy, rice filled meal!

This meant that it was possible that there was something stopping their rice rich diet – which is a simple sugar – from turning into glucose from entering their bloodstream!

This was when he started looking deeper.

Dr. Tsuda compiled a list of herbs and plants that the Okinawans ate. He was especially curious about a tonic they ate before their meals.

He systematically documented a list of all the herbs and spices that they were using in this Okinawan Tonic…

What he found was shocking… as he realized that they were using a special ‘glucose flusher’ in their diet, which stopped the excess glucose from entering their bloodstream – preventing the food that they ate, artery clogging fat – and high blood sugar and diabetes as well.

This Pre-Meal, Okinawan Tonic… Had Originated From Kampo, The Healing Tradition That Began In 600 AD.

The Kampo tradition had believed in the healing powers of mother nature herself…

And these Kampo tradition had over 1,400 years to refine their natural remedies.

Dr. Tsuda soon realized that this ancient Tonic was a millenia old tradition… that even the locals refused to share, only restricted for the ‘healers’ of their tribe.

But soon, he managed to convince one of them to share the ingredients that were used in this miracle tonic…

With this list… he ran through each ingredient in a laboratory test, back in his lab hundreds of miles away from Okinawa…

Painstakingly reviewing each of their medicinal qualities – to see what the ‘active ingredients’ really were…

And he discovered that there were 2 types of ingredients that were included in this sugar flushing tonic…

The first was natural ingredients that slowed down the rate at which sugar entered the bloodstream…

And the second was a set of natural ingredients that forces your body to burn the existing blood sugar in the body.

There were also a host of other 6 powerful sugar flushing ingredients that I’ll share with you in a moment.

But what’s the most important active ingredient… was when he isolated this ancient herb…

Known by the Kampo
Tradition as Guruma.

Dr. Tsuda determined that the Okinawan variant of Gymnema Sylvestre, which comes from a rare leafy vine found in the Heart of Okinawa.

And ever since this breakthrough study… it’s been often harvested by the Japanese elite to manage obesity and weight loss… for those that could afford it.

According To Dr. Tsuda… when the locals use Guruma, The Okinawan Variant…

It begins the ‘Sugar Flushing’ Process…
That balances your blood sugar,
and forces your body to burn fat instead for energy.

How the sugar flushing process worked…

Was that it restored the optimal ‘metabolic’ balance in your bloodstream for weight loss.

This meant that when the locals ate the Okinawan Guruma…

It would stop glucose from entering the bloodstream, when it was being processed by the digestive system…

Allowing it to pass through the body, without being absorbed.

This meant that there was less
excess sugar in the bloodstream
that could to turn into fat.

He told me that fat production in the body is a 3 step process.

The food is broken down into simple sugars.

It then enters the bloodstream through the digestive system…

And the ‘excess sugars’ in the bloodstream – turn into fat – and fill up the ‘fat cells’, or in other words… adipocytes in the body – causing the body to 2 things in response to this.

Expand the existing fat cells in the body… by depositing fat… into these adipocytes..

Which means that the fat cells increase in size – causing each ‘fat cell’ to expand and grow in size.

This is the first reason for weight gain.

When excess sugar is converted into excess fat.

And the second more deadly thing that happens, when blood sugar rises… and these existing ‘fat storage cells’ are filled…

Is that new ‘fat cells’ are created to store more fat – to remove as many sugars from the bloodstream as possible.

When blood sugar skyrockets – especially when one is not clinically diagnosed with type 1 diabetes…

The blood sugar is forced into these fat cells – giving the signal to ‘store more fat’ as a result.

And the next thing he discovered that…

Okinawan Guruma Was
The Ultimate ‘Sugar Flusher’…

Blocking the sugar from entering your body in two ways…


Blocking the receptors in your intestines from even absorbing these sugars in the first place…

Lowering the amount of sugar that rushes into your bloodstream – beginning the process of depositing more fat into your fat cells… and increasing the number of fat cells in the body too.

This was one of the biggest weight loss discoveries of all time.

But there was more…

This ‘sugar flushing’ mechanism…
didn’t just work only in your digestive system…
It also worked on your taste buds as well…

Allowing anyone who took this Okinawan Guruma to reduce their sugar cravings… and reducing the cravings that one had for sugary foods.

This meant that anyone who took this Okinawan Pre-Meal Tonic…

Would never have to worry about their hunger working against them…

Instead – it would always begin working for them – almost effortlessly… as their cravings for foods that spike their blood sugar – which turned into stubborn fat… was completely gone.

Imagine how you would feel – if you never had any food cravings…

That you could eat healthily… and turn even the most ‘bland boring foods’... like salads and fruits and vegetables into the most delicious meals… all by changing the way that the sugar receptors worked in your body… both in your gut… and your tastebuds…

Imagine having your body crave… even hunger for foods that are good for you – having to never put any ‘real effort’ into your diet…

Intuitively eating everything that your heart could ever desire… as now, instead of craving for more…

Your body’s hunger hormone ‘leptin’ would naturally just say…

“No, you’re full. We are satisfied”

And what Dr. Tsuda likened it to…

Was an all natural way – to experience the effects of those ‘stomach shrinking’ surgeries that doctors would recommend to patients.

While in theory – they both achieved the same outcome…

Guruma was an all natural alternative to healthy appetite levels, and healthy eating.

With the surgeries that would take months to recover from – going under the knife for and having a patient's stomach ‘tied up’ in knots… Guruma would offer a simple, yet all natural alternative to the hunger problem…

This was why this ancient Okinawan Herb was a highly coveted substance among the Japanese elite.

And with Guruma… the benefits didn’t end there.

On top of its natural ‘sugar flushing’ ability…

It helped your body support balanced and healthy insulin production too.

As he said…

Guruma helps to balance Insulin levels…

So that it’s able to find the sweet spot…

Where you’re able to metabolize your blood sugar into ready made energy that you can use…

This is done through regenerating proper ‘beta cell’ function, which helps to regulate the body’s natural insulin levels that are optimal for healthy living…

So that the excess blood sugar – doesn’t turn into heart clogging fat.

Yet this was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to Dr. Tsuda’s breakthrough.

He ran me through the list of the other natural substances and nutrients in the Okinawans Pre-meal tonic that supported this ‘Sugar Flushing’ mechanism…

And he began testing out the doses of each ingredient in the tonic… hoping to create the perfect combination – that would aid the body in flushing out sugar.

“When you find out how all of these ingredients work together – you’ll be surprised to find out how much room for improvement the Okinawans had when it came to their Tonic, with the help of modern science… I’ve been able to test out over 300 different variants of this brew, in different dosages… that amplify this sugar flushing effect.”

This was when Dr. Tsuda gave me a list of all the different ingredients that were included in their okinawan pre-meal tea… with their exact doses.

He reminded me of the creator of insulin, Sir Fredrick Banting – the one who dedicated his entire life to research, and was willing to give the patent away for just $1.

And just like that… I had the formula for the fountain of youth in my hands.

He told me that he didn’t have the time to help me to source the ingredients… because he was working on his next medical breakthrough, and he wished me good luck, and bid me farewell.

That was the last that I saw of him.

But creating this Okinawan
Elixir wasn’t going to be easy…

When I started to regain strength… after coming out my diabetic coma… having a steady stream of insulin to slow down the effects of my blindness…

I began doing my best to source these ingredients straight from Japan…

Getting them in their raw form…

Where I would have to crush the leaves myself – and brew them in my home, in precise measurements.

I counted every miligram… and made sure that I followed the steps that Dr. Tsuda had laid out to the best of my ability.

At this point I’d spent thousands shipping the ingredients… and I had to do this in my free time, after my work as an accountant, just so I could afford to pay the bills for my family together with my husband.

And when I was in the kitchen– precisely measuring out and processing these ingredients for myself, he looked at me with skeptical eyes…

Wondering whether it would work – and he insisted that I continued taking my prescribed medication – which I did.

I was determined to go back to the next doctor’s visit with a perfect blood sugar score.

It was two weeks before I was able to make my first Okinawan Tonic…

And following the protocol that Dr. Tsuda had laid out… I took it before my meals… and went back to work as usual.

On the first day…

Nothing much happened.

But on the second day…

I started to feel more energetic. I started to feel as though I didn’t ‘crash’ after every meal… I started to feel as though I could be more present in my family’s life. I felt slightly more alive when I went to work…

And by the third day…

I started to see a noticeable change in myself. I stopped craving sugar. I woke up full of energy.

At work – I was no longer afraid of my boss catching me falling asleep at my desk, as I was focused and I was flying by all the financial reports that

I had to go through – even finishing the tasks at work early. It felt as though I’d found myself again, and regained that ‘20-year-old’ metabolism.

But even though I thought that I’d felt better – and when I looked in the mirror… I saw that I was making progress…

My heart still sank when I thought of looking at the weighing scale. I remember how high the numbers climbed the last time…

By the 7th day, I’d mustered up the courage to weigh myself again…

And I’d lost 27 pounds!
I was so happy! My heart was screaming with joy.

I thought about that black, gorgeous dress that I kept tucked away in the back of my closet. If this Okinawan Tonic kept working… I was soon going to be able to fit into that again. No more baggy joggers. No more outfits that ‘hid’ the body that I had.

No more trying to ‘cover up’ the person that I became – I could finally feel like the strong, confident woman that I once was.

This was when I began religiously taking this Okinawan Tonic…

Once a day, before every meal – as I started to see how it had helped me to lose those first couple pounds… with the doctor’s follow up appointment coming around the corner.

When it was time to enter the doctor’s office…

He said…

“Sorry, I’m looking for Amy Walter. Did you get the wrong door?”

He didn’t recognize me – from the photo that I had in their records…

And he asked me to pull up my identification – and when he realized how much weight I’d lost – how I was almost unrecognizable to him…

A part of me inside ‘laughed’.

But there was more to come.

I had to check my blood sugar levels.

“Mrs. Walter, your blood sugar has dropped
by over 50 points. You’re 85 mg/dL now…

We’re going to lighten some of your prescriptions and see how you progress alright? So just keep taking your medications, and keep up whatever you’re doing. Even I’m surprised at how you’ve been able to go into remission this fast.”

I called my husband Jake to share the good news…

And I heard him crying over the phone.

He was there when I was in a diabetic coma… and we shared an amazing, heartwarming moment that day. When we had dinner together as a family that night…

He said…

“It’s time to go on our honeymoon again.”

We packed our bags… and decided that we were going to Bali for a hike to explore their tropical environments.

It was going to be a more ‘intensive trip’... where we would be climbing up mountains, enjoying the scenery – being deeply immersed in a tropical forest…

But it reminded me of our ‘secret spot’ where we used to bring our family for our weekend getaways.

We took a long red eye flight… across the world, and this time I didn’t have to worry about fitting into any ‘seat’. I even had some space to put my bags beside me too.

And when we came back…

I felt empty.

I felt that I needed to do something greater in the world.

I started thinking about how I could’ve lost my vision… And all the people who were struggling with gaining weight…

So I began to privately share this Okinawan Sugar Flushing Tonic with my friends… and they started to benefit from it too.

But as word spread… orders came rushing in and I couldn’t keep up.

This got me to thinking: could there be a way to simplify this so the hassle and the high costs would be removed?

That’s when it hit me like a lightning bolt: what if I could find some lab or some facility who could order the ingredients in bulk, and put them in capsule form?

It took me several months of contacting facilities across the USA to find out if they could source the ingredients and mix them in capsules, at a reasonable cost and at the highest level of quality and purity.

Finally I was able to work out an arrangement with a first rate, FDA-approved US lab.

Their in-house technicians suggested adding a few other natural ingredients, which our testing showed, boosted the benefits and the quality to an even higher level.

This is why today, I’m able to proudly Introduce you to

Sugar Flush Pro…

And for full transparency… with Dr. Tsuda’s blessings, I’d like to share with you what the ingredients do, and how they work together in a synergistic way to restore your metabolism.


Sugar Flush Pro Helps To Turn Your Blood Sugar Into Energy That You Can Use…

Supporting your cell’s sugar absorption from the bloodstream, allowing glucose to enter your cells, and be actively used as rocket fuel for your whole body with the help of Magnesium.

On top of that…

  • Biotin supports magnesium’s sugar absorbing function – as it gives the signal to your body to produce more ‘glucagon’, which is the chemical receptor that normalizes your blood sugar.
  • Chromium is also added into the formulation as it’s an essential element required by your body to metabolize carbohydrates, and lipids… – or in other words, allowing your body to use both fat and sugar as a source of energy for your daily activities.
  • Juniper Berries speed up increases your body’s glucose burning rate… by telling your body to produce more sugar burning hormones whenever there’s a ‘spike’ in your blood sugar,
  • While Banaba – helps to protect your pancreas from being damaged – so that you can continue to have healthy levels of insulin that support weight loss.
And once the blood sugar in your body turns into energy…

Sugar Flush Pro also manages excess sugar entering your bloodstream… Preventing this excess sugar from turning into deadly sagging fat.

This is done through the active ingredient known as White Mulberry – which also reduces deadly ‘visceral’ fats , which surround your liver, and essential organs, undoing the metabolic damage that your body has been experiencing from high blood sugar.

After slowing down sugar absorption… it also helps you to metabolize your body fat…

Turning every pound of fat – that contains over 3,500 calories, into energy that you can use throughout the day.

The fat that your body is carrying right now… has a ton of potential energy, waiting for the moment that you decide to ‘unlock’ it… the moment you reboot your metabolism.

And this next set of ingredients… will help you express the ‘fat metabolizing gene’ and it’s even been written about extensively by researchers at Cambridge, with the powerful effects of bitter melon…

  • While zinc oxide and manganese support your body’s fat burning function.. as they are essential chemicals used in the body to break down fats…
  • While Guggul… helps your body to produce ‘fat burning’ hormones in your thyroids, by supporting thyroid function for healthy weight loss…
  • And Guggulsterone, a plant extract… helps to transport the energy from this ‘metabolized fat’ into the bloodstream… so that it’s available for you to use in your daily life…. even supporting the development of new muscle growth to further improve your metabolism.
  • Lastly, Licorice helps you to metabolize fats in essential organs such as your liver… allowing your body to flush out toxins easily.

To increase your body’s basal metabolism…
Or the rate at which your body burns calories while not doing anything…

There’s a final set of ingredients that increases your body temperature… That's why we’ve also included Cayenne & Cinnamon into our proprietary formulation…

To spark ‘thermogenesis’ in the body, burning calories… demanding more blood sugar to be used… allowing you to shed off pounds effortlessly…

These fat burning powers – coupled with the appetite suppressing powers of Okinawan Guruma will allow you to completely reset your metabolism… helping you melt pounds of your waist and in stubborn ‘problem areas’ too.

With Sugar Flush Pro, you won’t have to worry about pre-diabetes coming around the corner, silently adding pounds to your waist.

This is why Sugar Flush Pro is one of its kind…

And the best metabolic supplement on the market right now…

Simply because we’re finding the best ingredients… ordering Guruma, straight from its natural source in Okinawa.

Now the question is…

Will you face the truth of this metabolic time bomb?

Will you wait until it’s too late

When you realize that the lethargy, the unexplainable weight gain… get out of control…

Where you let yourself lose your vision… before choosing to regain control of your metabolism?

This is the moment where you can finally be free to enjoy the life that you deserve.

Free from corporate greed that’s keeping you in the dark about the truth of your metabolism…

Free to finally take control of your life once and for all, and start living it the way that you want to…

Just like the Okinawan great grandparents who were able to be there for their great grandchildren… spending every precious moment with your loved ones, without having to worry about a ‘ticking time bomb’ that’s waiting to go off at any moment in your life.

You’ve got a one in three chance that you’ve got pre-diabetes… and these are facts given out by the CDC.

Roll the dice three times, and you’re stuck with a condition that will follow you for the rest of your life…

And it’s not just about you too – it’s about the people around you, the ones that you love dearly.

They’ll have to painfully watch you struggle, going through this condition – with you feeling regret, knowing that you didn’t do something to manage your metabolism earlier.

If things get really ugly, your family will have to ‘chip in’ just to pay for the treatments too.

And while I may sound harsh… It's not because I want to be mean.

This is the hard truth of what’s happening in America alone.

This is the hard truth of weight gain… and this is the reality that you must face.

And the reality is that I’m not sure how long this message is going to stay online…

Because you know how ‘big pharma’ is.
They spent 200 million to peddle oxycontin… a deadly ‘painkiller’ that got people hooked for life…

And this presentation – might just topple everything that they’ve worked so hard to keep in the dark…

With this as your only chance to turn the tides on the war on your metabolism… and to take control of it once and for all.

I can’t promise that this page will still remain online – especially because of how sensitive the information is here… I’m genuinely afraid that they might try to take us down…

But I know as someone who should stand up for what’s right…

For the freedom of health of every American Citizen…

That I must continue.

And because of how urgent this matter is, let me ask you…
What will it cost you to not grab this opportunity.

Your nest egg?

Your dreams of retirement?

The chance to be there for your loved ones?

What is a free life worth to you?

And because I don’t answer to any investors… or any ‘big pharma’ influences…

I’ve priced Sugar Flush Pro at just $49 a bottle when you get a set of three.

At this price… we’re barely breaking even… and our operating costs are razor thin…

Sourcing the precious Okinawan Guruma from the Japanese elite isn’t cheap… and I’ve done my best to push these prices down…

So that every day Americans can stand a chance to regain control of their metabolism and put an end to this silent epidemic for good.

I’m often asked by the rest of my team, on why we aren't charging more… This, after all, is something that could save a life.

If not millions of lives.

And the answer is that I was inspired by the generosity of Dr. Tsuda… and Sir Fredrick G Banting… who dedicated their life’s work to making sure that the people got what they needed to be healthy…

Having almost lost my eyesight in this incident… made me realize how important this mission is to me.

The mission to stop this metabolic
epidemic from spreading any further…
And to help you regain control over your metabolism…

No more ‘half-truths’.

Never worry about looking at the weighing scale.

Never wonder why you’re tired all the time– because the reality is that once Sugar Flush Pro becomes a part of your life…

You’ll never have to depend on coffee to stay awake – to feel energized, and you’ll wake up every single day, vibrant, bursting with energy… to be present with the people that matter to you – and to do the things that you want to do… without having to worry if your body is going to ‘hold you back’.

And why I recommend that you take an order of 3, is because this could be taken down at any time… and my advice is that you should stock up before it does.

What’s more… is that our best customers also are those that make Sugar Flush Pro a part of their everyday routine…

Just like how the Okinawans took it every day before their meals…

Simply because they were able to make Sugar Flushing a part of their everyday life…

And the best part is that I want you to experience these life changing benefits of Sugar Flush Pro… without any hidden subscriptions or fees.

This means that your order here is final…

And once you’re happy with the results, we would love to have you come back to order more too.

But just in case you’re still on the sidelines of this metabolic fight…
I’m going to remove all of the risk from you and put it all on me.

That’s right I’m going to be offering you a 180 day money back guarantee…

So that you can take 6 months to use Sugar Flush Pro, experience the results firsthand… and get a feel for what it’s really like to have a metabolism that’s working for you – instead of against you.

So in a sense, it isn’t a “payment” at all.

You can think of it as a sponsored ‘test run’ so that you can start to experience the results on your own – and to feel the benefits of Sugar Flush Pro working on your metabolism…

Helping you to curb your appetite…

Helping you to metabolize the sugar in your blood for energy… and tap into your fat reserves that contain over 3,500 calories per pound… that are waiting to be turned into energy that you can use throughout the day.

Have your body support you, and work together with you this time.

But if you’re still thinking about it…

Compare Sugar Flush Pro to Prescriptions from Big Pharma.

These prescriptions come with virtually zero guarantee– and the whole host of side effects that they usually don’t tell you about…

Today, you’re getting the deal of a lifetime.

By ordering a 60 or 90 day supply today, you’ll also receive a special bonus package worth over $270. These are digital bonuses you can start using in just moments.

  • Bonus 1: Blood Sugar Friendly Desserts.

    This guide will show you how you can make blood sugar friendly desserts that will make your mouth water, while skipping the deadly sugar spikes that cause weight gain. You get to enjoy all the deserts, yummy treats, and delicious snacks that will never disrupt your metabolism, keeping your blood sugar in a healthy range.

  • Bonus 2: Pancreas Reset Guide

    This guide goes into detail about natural health protocols that you can do to support healthy pancreas function, so that your body is able to produce the right amount of natural insulin that gives you the energy that you need throughout the day. Learn how to undo years of pancreatic damage, and improve your digestion too!

  • Bonus 3: Okinawan’s Lifestyle Secrets To Longevity.

    In this guide you’ll discover the other secret habits that Okinawans use to prolong their lifespan, including a list of rituals that keep them healthy, happy, and free all the way into their 80s and high 90s! This guide gives you a peek into the ‘day in a life’ of Okinawans and the rituals that they use to keep themselves vigorous and youthful.

And at this point…

With the life changing support that you’ll be getting with Sugar Flush Pro and the bonuses to support your metabolism…

You have 3 options.
Option one is the hard way…

You keep using ‘hard work’ to lose stubborn fat. You feel exhausted every single day – your body is working against you and screaming for you to fix it… while you ignore the signs that something deeper is going on.

You use ‘self-discipline’ and ‘will-power’ that leaves you drained… unable to do anything else but push a ‘rock up a hill’... with your metabolism never functioning the way it should…

Craving even more food – after these strenuous, restrictive routines that sap the joy out of your life.

You choose the hard way to lose weight – even though the easy way is right here with Sugar Flush Pro.

The second option is that you try to
recreate Sugar Flush Pro yourself.

You’ve seen the ingredients…

You can try sourcing it yourself – spending thousands of dollars, putting it all together – finding ‘cheaper’ less purified, non-okinawan versions… spend hours after work every single day…

Precisely measuring out each ingredient… and so that you can find that optimal metabolic balance in the proprietary blend…

Costing you precious time being stuck with a metabolism that’s working against you, and money in making the Okinawan Pre-Meal Tonic Yourself…

Or you could choose option 3.

Use Sugar Flush Pro.

By using Sugar Flush Pro… you’re protected by our money back guarantee.

You have the energy to do the things that you want… you have a metabolism of a 20 year old. You’re able to spend time with your loved ones. And most importantly, you’re free from big pharma’s influence over your health.

You get to eat anything and everything that you want– your appetite works for you… your body works for you… you feel great and refreshed every single day…

And you never fear looking at the weighing scale…

You never fear being ‘looked at’ and humiliated for the person that you’ve become…

You’re active – you feel great, and you look great… and wherever you go… you never ‘look your age’... and the people that you meet start showering you with compliments…

You’ve got the energy to be there for your loved ones…

And your life will be finally free. You’ll never have to worry about taking a toll on your family’s finances, and having to see them worry about your health.

This is all within reach for you.

All you need to do is to click on the ‘add to cart’ button and select the package that you’d like, and your order of Sugar Flush Pro will be processed immediately.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this presentation. Have a good day.

Prediabetes - Your Chance to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes - CDC › diabetes › basics › prediabetes

Approximately 96 million American adults—more than 1 in 3—have prediabetes. Of those with prediabetes, more than 80% don't know they have it. Prediabetes puts ... pursued an %E2%80%9Caggressive%E2%80%9D campaign,general and OxyContin in particular.&text=In 2001 alone%2C the company,to market and promote OxyContin.

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Hypoglycemic activity of juniper “berries”

Banaba: the natural remedy as antidiabetic drug

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